Chapter 200: Fallen Deity Less Than a Dog

Amberser didn't want to oppose a powerful deity; that would be a suicidal act, but it didn't mean he couldn't listen to what the Lady of Mist had to offer.

What if the Lady of Mist could produce a debt note written by Aeo himself? With the affairs of deities, who could say for sure?

However, the Lady of Mist's answer disappointed Amberser.

"I have lost my divinity and cannot offer much help, but I can teach you an illusion spell named after me."

Amberser frowned and asked, "Can this illusion deceive deities?"

The Lady of Mist hastily replied, "How could that be possible? Even the weakest deity has a high resistance to mortals' spells, but I guarantee it's the most formidable illusion."

Amberser: ...

Rumors had it that this goddess of deception was a homebody, the very reclusive kind, which explained the absurd tale of a goddess with the office of deception being deceived herself and stripped of her divinity.