Chapter 454: The Mortal Enemy of the Kuotao Murlocs

To inquire about a deity's preferences, actually, it's easier to start with their alignment and deity position.

Brivodoup belongs to the neutral evil camp, but during his outbursts, he falls into the chaotic evil alignment.

His followers are much the same—the Kuotuo Murlocs may seem foolish, but they are anything but kind-hearted. Kuotuo Murlocs revel in slaughter and destruction, not merely for survival's necessity. Kuotuo Murlocs delight in killing other creatures and stripping them apart to decorate their dwellings and construct divine idols.

One more thing, the Kuotuo Murloc community hardly holds any moral values; their social environment is incredibly barbaric.

Therefore, Brivodoup wouldn't do anything good either, being nothing but a neurotic shit-stirrer.

But this doesn't help in luring Brivodoup out of the Divine Realm, as you can't expect him to have an episode and storm out in a frenzy. Amberser's Destiny Weaving can't affect a true deity either.