Chapter 60 The Strict Principle of Equivalent Exchange

The Array was still flickering with light.

Ghostface Fox clearly remembered that when Qing Ying used the Array before, Hong Chuang was greatly strengthened, capable of fighting back and forth with Black Jade by herself.

He had been somewhat worried, but Jiang Lu's declaration "I've been strengthened" made him hesitate again.

If a real fight broke out, it couldn't possibly be Jiang Lu who was strengthened, right?

So when Qing Ying suggested going to check it out, he didn't stop her.

But just to be safe, after Qing Ying went in, he quietly moved closer.

However, because he wasn't sure if Hong Chuang's Array could recognize intruders, he didn't get too close, maintaining a distance that would allow him to rush to aid immediately if something happened, while being cautious enough not to raise the women's guard.