Chapter 70: Pretending to Be Pretentious? If So

With extortion money and information in hand, Jiang Lu stepped out of the supermarket.

He exhaled a puff of smoke, grinning, "All set."

Despite not fully agreeing with Jiang Lu's methods, the swordsman had to admit that his efficiency was indeed high.

"Was that a real stickup, bro?" Punk stared at the cash Jiang Lu stuffed into his pocket, recalling the incident just now in the alley, he felt increasingly uneasy.

"You think I was playing around?"

Jiang Lu chuckled and casually flicked the half-smoked cigarette butt away.

By chance, two hoodlums were passing by on the roadside, and that still-burning cigarette butt fell straight into the collar of one of them.

"Ouch! wtf?!"

The guy flinched in pain, shaking off the butt as if he'd been electrocuted.

Jiang Lu, not noticing where the cigarette butt had ended up and assuming he'd witnessed some street dancer, tossed a coin their way since he was in a good mood.

"Nice moves, this is for you."