Chapter 85 I Spit on Him!

"But how did you come across this? I thought..."

Jiang Lu was about to say "I thought these could only be found in lucky bags", but then he realized it would be a hassle to explain what a lucky bag was and decided to stop there.

The God of Contracts, however, did not hide anything and answered all questions: "I found it. When you were scattered everywhere, I thought I might as well keep an eye out for you, just in case you came back to life and could use it. But after searching for so many years, I only found this one shard. Can you still use it?"

"I should try this?"

"I heard that when you sneeze after cracking your skull open, cerebrospinal fluid might spray out of your nostrils. Anyway, your heart's already damaged and there's no harm, so why not try a reverse operation?"

"Genius!" Jiang Lu clapped his hands: "Scram!"

The rebuked God of Contracts dared not speak any longer.

But Jiang Lu did try, and he was able to store his hippocampus in his backpack.