Chapter 99: Condition Worsens? Jiang Lu Conducts a Serious Re-examination!_2

He only had ten days and had to race against time, and as for scientific matters, that wasn't for him to worry about.

Of course, he wouldn't have anyway.

Soon, the four of them arrived at the Medici family mansion.

Catherine couldn't wait to jump off the cart and rush toward her own home, knocking on the front door.

The one who unlocked the door was a hunched old man, who, judging by Catherine's address to him, must be the old butler here.

When he saw Catherine, the butler panicked as if he had seen a ghost.

But once he confirmed that the person before him was indeed the lady of the house who had been missing for a long time, he was so excited that he was brought to tears.

"Miss, you're finally back! Thank God, you're safe and sound!"

He cried tears of joy and then immediately turned and ran into the house to announce the good news to the masters of the house.

Catherine did not forget Jiang Lu and the other two, inviting them to enter the mansion with her.