Chapter 106: The Azure Beast of Florence

At the same time the exorcists were setting foot into the inner city, Jiang Lu, after an hour of sleep, had almost recovered from his psychological exhaustion.

The new Pope, about to be crowned in Florence, and Duke Giovanni, both standing at the pinnacle of this city's social hierarchy, were now side by side on the top-floor terrace of the Medici family estate, overseeing the ancient city as it burst back to life.

Giovanni couldn't help but marvel to himself.

Not long ago, Jiang Lu had seemed sick of the world, yet in so short a time, he was again filled with vitality.

"Giovanni," said Jiang Lu with a serious expression, a hint of a smile playing at his lips, "I had an epiphany about a set of techniques yesterday, one that allows for burst speeds over extended periods. Look forward to it!"

"What?" Although Giovanni didn't understand what 'burst speed' meant, he still praised him, impressed, "Incredible, Teacher Jiang Locke!"