Chapter 113 The road to the Vatican is not easy to travel...

On the third morning, five hundred knights from Florence, each riding a horse and leading another one carrying provisions and supplies, set out for the Vatican.

Their horses were laden with barrels of holy water.

Jiang Lu, so as not to delay the treatment of the people of Florence, had worked through the night and had everything ready just before sunrise.

The Vatican is southwest of Rome, about three hundred kilometers from Florence.

In theory, a full-speed journey would take just over ten hours, but because they were carrying a lot of supplies and had a large number of people with them, Giovanni, including rest time for the horses, estimated it would take a day and a night, or even until the following afternoon to arrive.

Jiang Lu couldn't ride a horse, so he was sitting in a specially made carriage, enjoying the most top-notch treatment.

The three brothers riding ahead would occasionally look back at the carriage, sighing long and short sighs.