Chapter 116: May the God of Redemption Bless You! (10k words for subscription!)_2

The others were fine, looking human enough.

But this leader was covered in fresh blood, especially his face, which was a gory mess, as if he had just feasted on raw flesh and blood.

There was no time to question Giovanni, who stood beside the other man and looked mockingly at him. Pope Clement VI quickly turned to his bound guards, counting their numbers.

He feared Jiang Lu would commit demonic acts in such a sacred place.

Fortunately, the number of guards was correct.

However, seeing that Clement did not speak, Jiang Lu didn't waste words either. With a wave of his hand, people came forward and bound both him and Bishop Raphael beside him.

By then, Clement VI could no longer deny that he had been betrayed.

He furiously reprimanded Father Harris, "Harris! You traitor!"

"Heh," Father Harris scoffed coldly, "Blame only your incompetence as Pope, for you simply cannot save us from our suffering! Whereas, Jiang Locke the First can lead us out of torment!"