Chapter 119: Return to Tower of Redemption (10,000 Characters, Please Subscribe)

Jiang Lu hesitated.

Clearly, after the base value reached 40 points, there appeared to be something like a class change.

The charm attribute felt to Jiang Lu a bit like choosing a faction.

And depending on which faction was chosen, the effect of the charm attribute would likely become closer to that of the people in that faction.

Now he had to analyze carefully.

First was "the Savior of Humankind," which would make one closer to humans. If one were only talking about the real world, this option would undoubtedly be the most effective, since everyone around was human.

Moreover, humans are used to living in groups. It went without saying what role a highly charismatic person would play amongst them. Both emotionally and logically, this option was the most beneficial for current development.

The only downside was that humans were a bit lackluster.