Chapter 119: Return to Tower of Redemption (10,000 Characters, Please Subscribe) _4

A grim yet familiar voice came from the brightly lit corridor, and Jiang Lu turned around with a smile.

"You..." The messenger's voice abruptly halted, the sound of rusty mechanical friction suddenly turned into a sweet loli's voice: "You're finally back~"

Jiang Lu hugged the messenger and crazily rubbed his face against hers: "Even though I don't know how long it's been, I've missed you to death."

"Oh my~"

The messenger's body went limp.

When Jiang Lu's charm was only at 49, her affection for Jiang Lu had maxed out; now at 111 points, she couldn't take even a bit of it.

Like she had been cursed, she started to clumsily reach out to help Jiang Lu unbuckle his belt in a daze.

"No rush, let's see Yixina first."

Jiang Lu grabbed the messenger's thigh and held her in his arms, as she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding onto his neck and resting her head on his shoulder.

"It's been ten years..."