Chapter 121: The Sailing Race Between Captain Jiang Lu and Captain Oss (10k words, please subscribe)_6

"What? He actually has the bloodline of a Spartan?!"

"That explains everything!"

"Cheer for the hero!"

Jiang Lu inexplicably became the hero of the crowd.

Listening to increasingly incomprehensible words, Jiang Lu turned his head to ask Oss, "What are they talking about?"

"No, what are you talking about?" Oss countered, "Wasn't it you who shouted 'Sparta' first?"

"The mood's there, it'd be improper not to shout."

While they were talking, a side hall next to the main hall suddenly erupted with a roar like that of a lion.

"Get lost! Don't make me slap you in the happiest place on earth."

Hearing this roar, the people in the hall instinctively looked over, then, as if reminded of something terrifying, they all turned their heads back, continued with their own business, and did not dare to ask or intervene further.

Jiang Lu mumbled to himself, "Didn't I just say that line somewhere?"