Chapter 124 Seeking the Elk Goddess in the Unknown Land - Did Something Go Wrong? (10k) Part 2

Because she was also half human.

So, for Castalia, there was no such thing as a heat period, since every day was the heat period.

In other words, as soon as she felt the urge, she could switch to battle mode at any time.

This could explain why even the cream of the crop among the strong Taurus Clan Sub-Humans would die young.

But luckily, Jiang Lu was no ordinary man.

He could handle it all!

And because of Jiang Lu's curiosity about new things, Castalia's berserk transformation didn't put him off; instead, he tried all sorts of ways to make her even more exaggerated.

By the time Jiang Lu finally had enough, Castalia had already been thoroughly subdued.

Her chin rested on the back of the sofa, her head slightly tilted, her hands hanging limply at her sides, kneeling on the sofa with her legs apart, sitting tiredly on her heels, with a dripping sound by her ears.

Jiang Lu, on the other hand, was sitting to the side, drinking.