Chapter 127: When Pushed to the Limit, People Can Do Anything!_2

But just then, Huang Xiu'e spit out the ghoulish head she had been chewing into mush, as if in warning.

The heads, smeared with copious amounts of saliva, had coalesced into a lump of rotten flesh that burst with brain matter and black blood as it hit the ground, startling the ghouls into a moment of cool-headedness.

Jiang Lu, seeing them subdued, smiled ferociously.

"We need you to take us to the Illusory Realm," said a relatively calm Zeus, speaking for Jiang Lu.

But, unexpectedly, upon hearing this request, the ghouls, who had just been sincerely terrified, suddenly became excited as if injected with adrenaline, appearing unafraid of death.

"I understand! You are the apostles of the Chaos of Hidden Walk! You shall not enter the Illusory Realm!"

The ghouls almost roared these words out.

Their voices were no longer the sinister sobbing of a little girl but had turned into the agonized wailing like that of a dying person's last cries, heart-wrenching and soul-tearing.