Chapter 128: The Aloof Nodens (10k Subscriptions Please!)

The Ghoul Queen looked over.

Without time to think, Jiang Lu took an urgent step forward and covered the Ghoul Queen's eyes with his hands.

Then, just like before, he once again used the voice-disguising device.

With his throat rolling, the voice of Nodens came out from Jiang Lu's mouth once more.

"Yes, I have arrived."

The Ghoul Queen's body trembled slightly, every inch of skin, every cell craving.

She did not doubt the identity Jiang Lu was impersonating, for this was the Ghoul's den, and the voice ringing in her ears was indeed that of Nodens, so it didn't occur to her that the person before her could be a stranger.

Just like Little Dragon Girl would never guess that the one covering her eyes was not Yang Guo but Yin Zhiping.

So, she simply asked tenderly,

"Master... why do you cover my eyes?"

"To help you immerse more fully, to prevent any distractions."

"Master... why do you stroke my skin?"

"To help you get used to it, to prevent discomfort later on."