Chapter 150: "Food Wars" Fanfiction: Jiang Lu Plays with Fire_3

Because Heaven's Holy Fire was too dazzling, Mrs. Han couldn't make out what the glowing object was, so she pointed at it and asked, "What is this?"

Struggling to maintain the script Jiang Lu had taught him, Hong Lie replied stiffly, "This is a culinary tool for cooking ingredients, known in the industry as an 'internal combustion chicken', also called the Divine Light Rod. The main principle is..."

"Enough, I'm not interested."

Mrs. Han became very cold again, "How do you eat it?"

Hong Lie picked up some chopsticks and started a demonstration, "Take the sliced goose meat, briefly sear it on the Divine Light Rod for a couple of seconds, then take it off and dip it in this sauce to eat."

"Sauce? Why is it white?"

"This is a secret recipe, called salad dressing."

"Sounds like something from the Western Region."

Mrs. Han, expressionless: "It had better have some esoteric quality, or you'd better prepare to find yourself a new patron."