Chapter 155: Jiang Lu Masters the Fiery Golden Eyes (10k Words, Subscription Please!)_4

It was not until Wen Tao, who was present at the meeting between Jiang Lu and the Guanxing Tower Master, spoke up that he came to know the true meaning of blackmail.

As the diviner of the Hundred Streams Sect, who understood both the astronomy above and the geography below, almost every past Guanxing Tower Master had, to some extent, helped the prominent figures within the sect to predict major life events, or at least interpreted dreams, thereby knowing many secrets unknown to others.

All these secrets were meticulously recorded by the succession of Guanxing Tower Masters, integrated into the cultivation techniques that they had practiced and refined generation after generation, therefore becoming known to each successor.

Yes, although the Guanxing Tower didn't cultivate through lecherous means, the divine mental cultivation technique that only the Guanxing Tower Master could practice was even more substantial, requiring dirty little secrets as nourishment for their cultivation.