Chapter 34 Rewrite Destiny


Everyone who had come into contact with Wan Qiu's first impression was that he was a handsome fool.

But in fact, Wan Qiu was not only not foolish, but also smarter than the vast majority of people.

It was just because his childhood had been so miserable that he had completely closed himself off.

In the game, Wan Qiu was adopted by a psychopathic killer who used various cruel methods to unleash a twisted, terrifying monster.

But now Gao Ming had decided to change this ending, he was going to personally rewrite Wan Qiu's life.

"Shadow World had written Wan Qiu's life according to a fixed script, wanting to alter his destiny, I'm afraid you'll have to walk the same path as Xuan Wen, constantly confronting the Shadow World," Gao Ming said.

Gao Ming turned his head and glanced at Wan Qiu, the frail high school student grasped the car window with both hands, staring dully at the neon lights outside, as if looking for his home in the bustling, strange city.