Chapter 61 Can I be the female lead for a week?

The Flesh Immortal Statue completed the final step of the sacrificial ritual. Among the Four Aspects, the other three had already merged into the bloody water, with the Aspect representing life—living humans—being rare.

The Aspect of Life needed to maintain humanity and must not be influenced by the meaty aroma within the apartment building, nor should they commit the taboo of consuming flesh.

In the entire Sishui Apartments, the only one fitting the conditions for the Aspect of Life was Gong Xi's grandmother. The reason she had survived until now was likely because Situ An and the will of the Flesh Immortal were deliberately protecting her, intending to keep her until the very last moment for the sacrifice.

Of course, Gong Xi was unaware of this, and he still regarded his grandmother's existence as his biggest secret.