Chapter 86: The Missed World Line

The room instantly became quiet. Gao Ming paused for a second, stood up to serve Wan Qiu some food, and asked him to eat in his room first.

Once Wan Qiu had left, Gao Ming sat down again in front of Liu Yi. His expression hadn't changed from before, but his gaze was completely different.

"If there's something you need to say, just say it."

"I was surprised to see you boarding the bus from Henshan prison, and I wanted to greet you, but you were busy with your headphones on the whole time." Liu Yi unlocked his phone and placed a hand-drawn picture of the bus in front of Gao Ming: "After getting on, I realized something was wrong. The passengers had issues, the driver had issues, the bus itself had even bigger problems. Later, the vehicle had an accident in the tunnel, and I was lucky to escape and remembered the bus's appearance."

"It looks no different from an ordinary bus, except that the license plate was smeared with blood."