Chapter 5: You're Just a Spare Tire!

A stunning beauty before him, who could remain calm as if a Buddha?

Wu Jie took a deep breath, turned his head away, and tried his best to relax and act natural.

Think about the salary... Think about the housing prices... Think about offending the domineering female CEO...


The effect was astounding!

Wu Jie's mind quickly cleared of all distractions, and Tang Xiao had also regained her composure.

Struggling to get up and sit on the ground, Tang Xiao snatched her bag.


Zipping up the bag, Tang Xiao threatened coldly, "Not a word about this to anyone, or I assure you, your end will be miserable!"

Wu Jie hastened to say, "Don't worry, including what happened in the underground parking lot, I won't tell a soul!"


Infuriated, Tang Xiao was about to hit him, but she held back, lowering her hand.

With her current physical condition, if her old injury flared up again, she might end up paralyzed.

Slowly propping himself up, Wu Jie was about to lend Tang Xiao a hand when she ignored him.

After a struggle to her feet, Tang Xiao, holding her handbag in her left hand and supporting her waist with her right, glanced sideways and said coldly,

"Don't you think for a moment that just because my old injury has resurfaced, I have no way to deal with you!"

At these words, Wu Jie suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

What's the deal here?

Are you intending to find someone else to beat me up?

The temporarily exchanged skills from the system were soon to expire, and if someone else joined in, it was bound to be tragic for me!

After some hesitation, Wu Jie quickly said,

"President Tang, the car accident was an accident, and kissing you was even more so. It was not intentional. After all, I was just temporarily fetching the documents, and you happened to be driving by; the random probability..."

Before he could finish, Tang Xiao raised her hand to signal him to be quiet.

"Enough, look at you, trying to act the honest and cowardly part! Let's turn the page on this! It was just a kiss, after all. I'm not that petty or old-fashioned."

Wu Jie, hearing this, sneered internally,

"You call this not being petty? If it weren't for the system taking over and exchanging the skills in time, I'd have been crippled by you by now!"

While he thought this, he couldn't voice it out loud.

"Actually... that was my first kiss too," Wu Jie muttered softly.

The hobbling Tang Xiao suddenly stopped.


Turning around, Tang Xiao sat on the soft stool and scrutinized Wu Jie.

"I've looked at your personnel file. An average birth, ordinary family, but during seven years of high school and university, you never dated anyone? Isn't it common for college students to have romances? What did you do during your time in school!"

Wu Jie knew he had dodged a bullet and, relaxing, shrugged with an embarrassed smile.

"I wanted to date, sure, but it was already too late! And during my studies, lacking a handsome appearance, excellent basketball skills, a rich family background, and even incapable of writing a love letter... how could I have dated?"

Tang Xiao nodded slightly, her previous murderous and domineering aura all but gone.

She had the typical firecracker temperament—once the outburst was over, so was the anger.

Now, she was more curious about Wu Jie.

"Strange! I may be injured, but how could it be that I couldn't even beat you? You said you've never learned martial arts before? Is that true or false?"

Wu Jie knew he couldn't hide it and said with a smile, "In university physical education classes, I took some elective courses in Sanda fighting and Taekwondo. Just learned a bit recklessly—does that count?"


Tang Xiao was somewhat taken aback.

Just a little bit of reckless learning, and he could defend against several minutes of her continuous attacks?

Clearly, this guy was modestly concealing his skills!

With a clear background, decent martial arts skills, and a clever mind... Tang Xiao suddenly had an idea.

With her family background and looks, many pursued her: rich heirs, elite aristocrats, famous celebrities, well-known returnees...

But Tang Xiao was not interested in any of them, feeling that they approached her with ulterior motives.

However, Wu Jie, an ordinary employee in her own company, gave Tang Xiao that sense of authenticity she had been looking for.

The thing is, this guy Wu Jie is quite good at martial arts; even if he were hated by his rivals, he wouldn't end up beaten half to death.

Tang Xiao thought to herself, "You want to keep a low profile and hide your strength, don't you? Well, I'm going to make sure you can't! Sooner or later, I'll have you exposed!"

Having made up her mind, Tang Xiao immediately put on a smiling face.

"You really are quite ordinary, but since we've fatefully met, do you want to make your life extraordinary?"

Tang Xiao asked with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.


Wu Jie suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just a moment ago, she was furious, fierce as a lioness.

Now, she's all smiles, with gentle eyes and a sweet expression.

Indeed, a woman's face changes faster than the flip of a book!


If one could rise high in the sky, who would be willing to live a lackluster and ordinary life?

Moreover, now that he had the system, what was there to be afraid of?

After figuring this out, Wu Jie nodded.

Tang Xiao beamed with a smile and asked, "Can you drive?"

Wu Jie: "Yes, the marketing department requires everyone to be able to drive."

"How about your alcohol tolerance?" Tang Xiao asked again.

"Regular dealings with clients mean lots of dinner parties, so how could my alcohol tolerance be poor?" Wu Jie said with a laugh.

Tang Xiao nodded with satisfaction and stretched out her delicate hand.

"Hand over your phone after unlocking it for me!"

"Ah? What are you..."

Although Wu Jie was hesitant, he still unlocked his phone and handed it to Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao operated the phone and quickly found an account to add as a friend. With a tap on her own phone, she added him.

Wu Jie was confused.

What does this mean?

The high and mighty Fair-skinned, Rich and Beautiful, actually taking the initiative to add a poor loser as a friend?

"President Tang, what are you doing?"

Tang Xiao handed the phone back to Wu Jie, "From today onwards, we are a couple, but this relationship is only to be known between us. Without my permission, no one else in the group is to know."

Wu Jie's lips twitched slightly, his face a picture of disbelief.

Just like that, we're a couple?

Wasn't it just a kiss? And now I'm being pestered?

But then, Wu Jie thought something was off!

With Tang Xiao's qualifications, why cling to him?

Could it be that fighting has sparked some affection, making her fall in love with me? That can't be!

As Wu Jie's thoughts ran wild and he suspected a conspiracy...

Tang Xiao said in a casual tone, "Don't make such a big deal out of it; I'm just looking for a spare tire!"

A spare tire!!

Those casually spoken two words completely shocked Wu Jie.

So direct!

Clearly labeling Wu Jie as a spare tire!

That hurts, President!

Saying to add a friend, occasionally discussing life and aspirations is fine, or even exchanging martial arts knowledge would be good.

But a spare tire...

This feels like before even starting a first love, there's already a hint of green on my head?

Watching Wu Jie's expression change unpredictably, Tang Xiao laughed and said, "Don't overthink it, you're the only spare tire! It's just that my family is rushing me into a relationship as if chasing death, and since you're good at martial arts and quite clever – and most importantly, you have a clean background – I chose you to pretend to be my lover, that's all!"

"A fake lover? Like the ones in online chats?" Wu Jie asked in astonishment.