Chapter 2 The President's Hatred!

What's going on?

Isn't Tang Xiao the president of the corporation? Why would she hate me?

And what's this system?

Others get hit by a car and become disabled; did I become brain-damaged after being hit?

Wu Jie rolled out of bed, "Since there's nothing wrong with the checkup, I've still got a proposal to finish, so I'm heading upstairs!"

Just as he stepped out, a strange noise sounded in his mind.


[System: Harvested Zhang Jian's envy +10]

What the heck?

What is this situation?

Wu Jie suddenly turned around and went back, asking coldly, "Were you just envious of me?"


Zhang Jian was stunned for a moment, then immediately laughed and said,

"Of course! Out of so many employees in the corporation, not everyone is fortunate enough to get hit by President Tang's car! You really are lucky!!"

Lucky for getting hit by a car? Just because the person who hit me is the beautiful CEO Tang Xiao?

What kind of crappy logic!!

Wait a minute!

Something doesn't add up!

If the person who hit me is Tang Xiao, then...

In an instant, Wu Jie figured it out.

But... what is this system?

While Wu Jie was hesitating, the strange noise continued in his mind.

"Emotional System binding successful, congratulations to the host on the successful activation, and the acquisition of energy points..."

Wu Jie was stunned.

In his mind, there was actually an interface.

Name: Wu Jie

Gender: Male

Energy Points: 10010

Skills: None

Goods: None


After some exploration, Wu Jie understood.

Simply put, the Emotional System is a system where the host triggers various behaviors to stimulate other people's emotions – envy, jealousy, hate – thereby harvesting energy points.

The system has a shop and tasks, and stimulating different people will yield different energy point harvests.

For instance, causing envy in Doctor Zhang Jian from the medical station is only +5, jealousy is +10, but hate can yield +40.

But for someone like Tang Xiao, the CEO of a publicly listed company, it's a different story – one instance of hate is a direct +10000.

The reason for such a huge gap lies in the enormous differences between Zhang Jian and Tang Xiao in terms of personal wealth, social status, influence, and so on.

And the energy points harvested can be put to great use; they can be used for draw prizes, shopping, and even exchanging for skills.


[Host becomes familiar with the system rules, sparking the first task: Earn a hundred thousand energy points within a week]

[Task Reward: One hundred thousand bonus points, unlocking the shop, one lottery draw]

[Failure Punishment: Clear all the host's bank savings]

Wu Jie was speechless.

In one week, how many people need to envy, be jealous of, and hate me to earn a hundred thousand?

It's not like I need to keep making the beautiful CEO Tang Xiao hate me ten times, right?

And the failure punishment is really damn harsh!

Already poor as a dog, protecting a three-digit savings with a six-digit password, and if it's wiped out, then what? Would I have to eat dirt?

However, fortune favors the bold!

If you're indifferent to life and death, you just take on the challenges!

"Damn it, I'm going all in!"

"If I win, I'll get the beauties; if I lose, I'll work my hands to the bone! What's there to be afraid of with such a small task? I'll take it!!"


[Host confirms acceptance of the task, countdown starts...]

Back to reality, Wu Jie immediately pondered deeply.

Envy? Jealousy? Hatred?


Didn't I just stimulate Zhang Jian and get +10 for jealousy?

With that thought, Wu Jie smiled and decided to give it another try.

"Zhang, since you know it was President Tang who bumped into me, why aren't you hurrying to get me some medicine?"

Zhang Jian was startled, "Strange! You don't have a single injury on your body, so what do you need medicine for?"

"Who says you can't take medicine if you're not injured? Stop dawdling and get me some tonic, it has to be extremely nourishing!"

Wu Jie said irritably.

"What medicine do you want?" Zhang Jian asked.

"All kinds of stuff like ginseng, deer antler, lingzhi mushrooms, and the like—bring them all!" Wu Jie said with a cheeky smile.

Zhang Jian's face darkened, "Damn! You're completely fine, eating that stuff..."

"What about it?" Wu Jie's smile faded as he spoke coldly, "Just now, you said it wouldn't cost me a penny to come here. If President Tang finds out that after she bumped into me, I wanted some tonic but you were being obstructive, just think about the consequences for you."

"And think about it, if this gets leaked to some unscrupulous media, with news that President Tang is irresponsible and our company lacks a sense of duty, and when rumors fly and the stock price crashes, what do you think President Tang will do to you?"


Zhang Jian was dumbfounded.

Is it just getting some medicine?

Is there a need to exaggerate like this? Even talking about stock prices crashing!

This is a hot potato Zhang Jian definitely didn't want to hold!

Glaring resentfully at Wu Jie, Zhang Jian went to fetch the medicine; after all, it was all the company's, and he brought back quite a lot for Wu Jie, both big and small.


[System: Harvested 40 points of resentment from Zhang Jian]

Wu Jie smiled, his experiment was a success, bagging so much precious medicine; surely Zhang Jian resented him.

Resentment +40, jealousy only +10!

It was clear that resentment was better than jealousy!

Trying to hold back his laughter, Wu Jie packed the valuable medicines and left, only to run into Manager Cao Bin of the marketing department right outside the door.

With his big belly, Manager Cao looked like a Buddha made of flesh.

When he smiled, his eyes narrowed—a typical instance of hiding a knife behind a smile.

"Are you alright?" Manager Cao looked Wu Jie up and down, nodding continuously, "It seems like you're fine. What's that you're carrying in your hand?"

"Tonic! A bit of a scare, but I need to replenish," Wu Jie said with a casual smile, "Thanks for asking, Manager Cao!"

Manager Cao nodded slightly and chuckled, "You're part of my department. It's only natural I come to see how you are after an incident like this while delivering documents. By the way, I might as well get some medicine too, I've been feeling weak in the limbs lately, like I'm coming down with a cold!"

Wu Jie laughed, "Feeling like your body is hollowed out? That must be kidney deficiency!"

Manager Cao's expression soured, "Kidney deficiency my ass! If you're alright then go back up, and get the proposal sent out before the end of the day!"


[System: Harvested 100 points of resentment from Manager Cao]

As expected, the more slickly oily a man is with age, the less he likes hearing anything about being incapable or having kidney deficiency.

Anyone who dares to say it, earns his dire resentment!


Thrilling! Another hundred energy points earned!

Wu Jie hummed a little laugh, holding the medicine as he left.

"Damn kid!!"

Manager Cao cursed under his breath before entering the medical station himself.

A short while later, even from a distance, Wu Jie could hear Manager Cao's roaring voice.

"What the hell? It's all gone? That kid really took advantage of the situation!"


[System: Harvested another 100 points of resentment from Manager Cao]

Resented again?

Wu Jie shook his head with a smile and entered the elevator, swiping his card to go upstairs.

Back in the office, the gazes of many colleagues were different from usual.

Although he hadn't heard a word from anyone, the system kept reporting, harvesting a lot of envy, jealousy, and resentment from people.

Pulling out his chair to sit down, Wu Jie was just about to open the medicine box when several coworkers gathered around.

"You're really lucky! Imagine being hit by President Tang!"

"What are all these? The medical room gave you so much medicine? You look uninjured!"

"If only I had known about this fortune, I wish I had been the one to take the documents downstairs!"

"Look at you guys, even thinking getting hit by a car is a stroke of luck—a classic case of schadenfreude!"

"Jie, did you get a close look at President Tang? What does she look like? Is the figure any good? Is she truly a rare beauty?"

"Did President Tang do anything to you at the time? Did she scold you for not watching where you were going, or did she give you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? Haha!"


The chattering stopped abruptly.

Without turning around, Wu Jie knew that Manager Cao Bin had returned.

"Come with me upstairs immediately! President Tang wants to see you!"
