Chapter 21 Awesome, My Bro!

Beautiful anchor invites me to play battle royale?

How can I refuse such an offer?

Wu Jie immediately accepted and quickly logged into the game.

While entering his account credentials, he suddenly had a strange feeling.

Very sensitive, indeed!

Ever since he gained Combat Athlete Skills, his body had undergone many changes.

He had become stronger, with well-defined abs.

His vision, hearing, and reaction sensitivity had all significantly improved.

Reacting faster, it looked like he would be able to win at battle royale tonight!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Tang Xin put down her phone and giggled at the camera.

"Babies, I have good news for you—Mr. Loyalty will be online soon! The battle royale is about to start!"

With her words, the live stream erupted with responses.

The comments flew by, endless and numerous.

Tang Xin saw the enthusiasm and felt thrilled.

"Although Mr. Loyalty is a bit unreliable, ever since he joined in battle royale, the viewership has soared!"

While mumbling to herself, Tang Xin saw 'Mr. Loyalty' log on and immediately started a squad game.

"Everyone's here, let's go to war!"

Tang Xin rolled up her sleeves, full of fighting spirit.

Game start! Skydiving! Find equipment!

With Mr. Loyalty helping out, Tang Xiao felt that this round was going smoothly!

Not only did she quickly find equipment, but she also took down a few players.

Most importantly, Mr. Loyalty was like godsent tonight, reacting very quickly, his marksmanship terrifyingly accurate, as if he were using cheats.

Before they knew it, they were in the final circle.

Tang Xin fought more fiercely as the battle went on, shouting continuously, absolutely thrilled.


Tang Xin, completely focused on the game, didn't notice the sound of the door lock clicking open gently.

Tang Xiao glanced over with a cold look, shook her head silently, and without saying much, quietly closed the door and left.

Back in her room, Tang Xiao logged into the router's admin panel using her mobile phone and cut off the network.



A scream came from the next room!

"What happened? Why is the internet down?!"

The scream had hardly subsided when there was a loud banging on the door.

"Big sis, save me, big sis!"

"Why did the internet suddenly cut out?"

Tang Xiao hid her phone and got up to open the door, pretending to be groggy with sleep.

"What's wrong?"

Tang Xin was frantic, like an ant on a hot pan. "The internet's down! My computer suddenly just..."

"What's wrong with your computer? Didn't you promise me you wouldn't play games after 10 o'clock?" Tang Xiao asked with feigned curiosity.

"I...," Tang Xin bit her lip and scratched her head, "I was doing research!"

"Then use your phone to search!" Tang Xiao replied coolly, holding back a laugh.

"But I...," Tang Xin clenched her fist and gritted her teeth, "I'm out of data on my phone! Can we check with the property management or call the telecom customer service to have it fixed?"

Tang Xiao chuckled: "What time is it now? Even if we were to call, they wouldn't be able to come fix it until tomorrow. You seem really anxious, not like you're just looking up information. Don't tell me you were live streaming and playing games again?"

"No! Not at all! How could I possibly be playing? I... I really was reading and researching. You go back to sleep, I will... I'll use my phone, my phone! Good night!"

Tang Xin, like a guilty thief, didn't dare meet Tang Xiao's gaze.

Rushing back to her room, Tang Xin immediately locked her door.

She lay on her bed, turned on her mobile data, apologized in the live stream for the sudden 'power outage', and then got on her phone.

"Sorry, Mr. Loyalty, there was a sudden power outage on my end. How's the game going?"

After sending the voice message, Tang Xin stared at the screen, waiting.


A photo came through, and after the buffering, it finally cleared up.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

"Oh my God!!"

Tang Xin pounded the bed excitedly and yelled, "As expected, got the chicken dinner, just a pity I wasn't there! Boo hoo hoo!"

She glanced at Mr. Loyalty's stats, and that was pure envy.

Defeated 9, Damage 1167, Survival time 24.7 minutes... Rating MVP 96.4...

"66666! My brother is awesome! You've got to take me for a chicken dinner tomorrow night!"

Tang Xin quickly sent a voice message, followed by a series of clapping emojis.

Soon, Mr. Loyalty replied, "Sure! Let's get in touch in advance!"

Tang Xin sat up in bed and immediately asked with a smile, "You're so good at this, do you play often? And your online name is too shocking, I bet you're a pretty honest person in real life, right?"

Wu Jie responded, "Honest? Why would you say that?"

Tang Xin said, "Isn't it true? The creepier you are online, the sleazier you are in real life! Got a photo? I really want to see Mr. Loyalty's honored face!"

Wu Jie said, "A photo is never as good as the real person. Aren't you also at Tianyuan? Set a time, and let's go to a net cafe and play together!"

After hearing this, Tang Xin, just brimming with excitement, was about to reply but then suddenly remembered the domineering Xiao living opposite.

Lowering her voice, Tang Xin spoke slowly, "Sure, let's aim to play together this weekend. That's it for tonight, we'll talk more tomorrow!"

After sending the message, Tang Xin quietly got out of bed and sat at her desk, pretending to read her book seriously.

However, she kept an eye on the door lock out of the corner of her eye.


The sound was crisp, and the locked door was gently pushed open.

Tang Xin felt instant frustration.

"Damn it! How could I forget this is Xiao's house? Is the lock any use? She has the keys!"

Tang Xin didn't make a sound, pretending to read her book seriously while thinking, "Instead of sneaking around, it's better to rent an apartment near the school anyway. My live streaming income isn't bad, and I can afford to rent an apartment."

The door closed gently.

Tang Xin shook her head secretly, "Xiao is really something, guarding me like against a thief. What's the point? It's such a sad thing for a woman not to be cherished by a man!"

After getting ready for bed, Tang Xin lay down on her bed and began searching for apartments.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Tang Xin packed her luggage and made a hearty breakfast, then went to wake Xiao up.

"Yo! Did the sun rise from the west today? This is quite the feast!"

Dressed in professional attire, Tang Xiao pulled out a chair and sat down, immediately starting to eat.

Tang Xin said with a smile, "I'm headed back to school, so I made a nice meal as a treat for my sister! Thanks for your tolerance and understanding these past days!"

"You're going back to school?" Tang Xiao put down her chopsticks, "You're not just thinking of moving somewhere where no one can supervise you, so you can play games and live stream freely, are you?"

Tang Xin smiled lightly, "How could that be? I'm really going back to school. If you don't believe me, feel free to come and check anytime!"

"I'll trust you this once!" Tang Xiao picked up her chopsticks again, "This preserved egg and pork congee is good, thumbs up!"

Tang Xin hummed and laughed, "My mom always said, to hold a man's heart, you have to hold his stomach first. A woman needs to grace the hall, but also rock the kitchen. Of course, the most important thing is to be able to get on the..."

Tang Xiao's face was instantly covered with black lines as she cursed, "You sly girl, are you itching for a beating?"

Her tone rose, her voice cold and harsh.

Tang Xin pouted and coldly laughed, continuing to eat and drink her porridge.

"Looks like I made the right decision to move out, seeing you being so fierce all the time, never finding a boyfriend, who knows, you could go nuts one day!"

Tang Xiao snorted coldly, "Go nuts? You think I'm like you, with dirty thoughts filling your head!"

"Ha! So what if I'm dirty? That's better than you pretending to be pure but still being single at this age!"

Tang Xin laughed playfully, got up, and strutted away.

"Don't be mad! I'll take a cab myself, no need for the big CEO to personally drive me!!"


The door closed, and Tang Xiao coldly huffed,

"Send you to study? I'd be kind not to send you to Heaven!"

After finishing and tidying up, Tang Xiao walked downstairs to go to work, since the corporate headquarters was close by.

Little did she expect, just as she arrived at the office, she heard that Wu Jie had been requisitioned by the real estate department, and it was none other than Mr. Wang himself who had personally requested it.

Wang Kun, who always sought revenge for the smallest slights, what was he plotting now?