Chapter 23 Beautiful Landlady!

Back at the headquarters of Tanglong Industrial Group.

After finishing the handover, Wu Jie applied for a company car.

As a listed company, Tanglong wasn't short of funds, and since Wu Jie was now a person of particular interest to President Tang, the logistics department provided him with a Toyota SUV and a fuel card.

Driving home, he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"Awesome! I've finally joined the ranks of car owners, and I won't have to spend a dime on fuel no matter how high the consumption!"

"The key thing is, I don't have to draft proposals or communicate with clients when working on external projects anymore, and I don't need to clock in and out for work, how cool is that!"

"Mr. Wang, oh Mr. Wang, I really owe you one!"

With the rush hour yet to peak, Wu Jie floored it and sped home.

Since he got off work early, he decided to start apartment hunting right away; having a car made it more convenient to move.