Chapter 32 Suspicion! Street Snap!

The call connected quickly.

"Where are you?" Tang Xiao asked anxiously.

"On the bus, what's up?"

"Wang Kun publicly assaulted Meng Li in the bar street, and then the three of them fought on Luo An Street, was it your doing?"

Wu Jie chuckled, "Are you interrogating me?"

"Of course not, I'm just purely curious."

Wu Jie sneered, "If I had that kind of ability, would I still need to work?"

"But you clearly said that you were going to take revenge on him, and I even said I would reward you with a car if you could. But from your tone, could it really not be you?"

"If you say it's me, then it is," Wu Jie said with a snort and a laugh.

Tang Xiao fell silent for two seconds, "All right then! You must be tired today, get some rest when you get back, and come to my office tomorrow morning!"

After she spoke, Tang Xiao hung up the phone.


Tossing her phone on the table, Tang Xiao's brows furrowed, her expression icy.

"Hmph! If it wasn't you, then who could it be?"