Chapter 36: Clash!

Number three business meeting room.

As soon as Wu Jie entered, he was called into the adjacent lounge for a private meeting with Tang Xiao.

"With such a big fuss, he actually wasn't detained, that's really something!"

"It's said that the three of them admitted their mistakes with good attitudes, also paid a heavy fine, and accepted criticism and education with an open heart, so... you know," Tang Xiao gestured towards the sofa, asking Wu Jie to sit down. "Satisfied with the new car?"

"Satisfied, of course, I'm satisfied!" Wu Jie asked curiously, "But what's the group's opinion? To just give up on such a big project?"

"Isn't the purpose of doing projects to make money? If their offer is right, why wouldn't we agree? I called you in here to remind you, when Wang Kun comes with his people later, don't get emotional during the negotiation!"

Wu Jie laughed, "How could I? I always keep personal and professional separate!"

"That's good to hear!"