Chapter 44 Get out of the way! Don't block me from saving someone!

Tang Xin snapped back to reality and immediately walked quickly over.

"Quick! Don't just stand there, hurry and get her on the bed in the room, laid out flat!"

Wu Jie immediately picked Lin Wan up around the waist and carried her to the room.

Tang Xin pulled Wu Jie away, bent down, and reached out to check Lin Wan's breath and press on her acupoints.

Fallen into unconsciousness with no awareness, Lin Wan's delicate and exquisite beauty was shockingly pale, invoking pity.

Wu Jie stepped aside and watched Tang Xin try to save her with her primitive methods.

"Lin is really something, to maintain her perfect figure, she eats very little for three meals a day, especially dinner, just an apple or a tomato. How can she do this during her menstrual period? Without sufficient nutrition, her body is weak and more prone to unbearable pain!"

Tang Xin complained while trying everything she could to revive Lin Wan, but she still couldn't make her regain consciousness.