Chapter 54: Not a Single Fighter!

Fearsome strength!

How much force does it take to crush a beer bottle?

Fang Yu panicked.

"Xin'er, I think it's about enough. Su Geng spoke too aggressively, and he threw the first punch, but he also got brutally kicked by your boyfriend. We all used to be classmates after all, there's no need to take this too far, right?"

Tang Xin glanced sideways, snorting coldly, "From the sound of it, are we the ones causing trouble?"

Fang Yu hurriedly said, "Of course not, I said Su Geng was at fault first! Look at how much pain he's in, let him off the hook, will you? I need to take him to the hospital!"

"Really? Let me have a look!"

Tang Xin walked over to Wu Jie's side.

Su Geng lay on the sofa, clutching his stomach in pain, but his eyes were filled with unabated fury.

Her beautiful eyes turned, and Tang Xin looked at Wu Jie, "Bro, is your hand okay?"

Wu Jie shook his head slightly, "I'm fine, it's just a matter of whether Mr. Su is fine!"