Chapter 51: Bastard! Digging Your Own Grave!

The voice was grating, the gaze piercing.

Everyone looked at Wu Jie with various strange expressions.

Envy, jealousy, contempt, mockery...

Wu Jie didn't mind; he just found it funny internally.

Su Geng's remark was simply a 'divine assist'!

It indirectly helped Wu Jie draw a wave of resentment.

The system kept happily notifying him as he quickly earned more than twenty thousand energy points due to being envied and resented.

Of course, this also proved that Tang Xin's classmates were all quite well-off.

Birds of a feather flock together, people are known by the company they keep.

Coming from a wealthy family, Tang Xin's EMBA classmates were obviously not going to be too shabby.

However, it was clear that everyone harbored ill will toward Tang Xin and Wu Jie's being together.

"Sorry for making everyone wait due to the traffic, please eat and drink as much as you like, this meal is on me!"

Wu Jie bowed slightly in greeting; this was also to give face to Tang Xin.