Chapter 65: Giving Gifts Can Also Draw Hostility!


Tang Xiao turned her head to look.

There was Wu Jie, hunched over and carrying the intact collection of paintings on his back, really resembling a delivery guy.


Wu Jie had a smile on his face but was cursing silently.

Don't just mock me!

Show some hatred, why don't you!

Damn it!

Turning her head back to look at Tang Kun, Tang Xiao cursed:

"Who says I'm fooling someone? Wu Jie is an employee of my company, we met through a car accident, so you could say it was a blessing in disguise. And my Jie is really capable, don't look down on people, you snob!"

"Wow! You're calling me a dog, then what about today's birthday star, the old master... isn't he also...?"

"Get lost! Believe it or not, I'll smash your car!"

Tang Xiao clenched her fist in anger.

"Can't afford to offend!"

Tang Kun gave Wu Jie a meaningful glance, the corners of his mouth lifted in a bitter, cold smile.

With a press on the gas pedal, the Porsche roared away.