Chapter 96: With a Shovel in Hand, Annihilate Them Completely!


He knocked out the last one with a spade.

Wu Jianguo looked around and roared loudly:

"Come on! A bunch of little bastards, you really think I've gone old?"

"A tiger not showing its might, you think I'm on my death bed?!"

Wu Jianguo held the shovel high, his gaze fierce and malevolent.

On the ground, the steel pipes, batons, crowbars, and the like brought by these men in black lay scattered all around.

"Thought there'd be a bunch of Kings, but turns out you're just a heap of Bronze!"

Wu Jie gave a wry smile, crouched down, and tore off the mask of one of the knocked-out men in black.

"Damn it! Combat skills lacking is one thing, fuck, but to be this damn ugly too!"

After delivering a fierce kick, Wu Jie continued to remove the masks from the other men.

Wu Jianguo grabbed some rope, previously used for tying up fat pigs, now for tying up people.

Liao Lan and Zhu Cui also came to help, quickly tying all the knocked-out men in black together in a row.

"Step back!"