Chapter 98: Lethal Kill!


At the end of the hospital ward corridor.

Cheng Biao violently threw his cup, smashing it outwards.

He was furious!

In the villages far and wide, who didn't know of the great renown of the Cheng Family?

Even those in the county holding high positions would show three points of courtesy towards them.

But what was the outcome?

The Wu Family from Genlong Village, they were so damned arrogant!

Years ago, Cheng Biao had fought with Wu Jianguo while defending his son and got thrashed soundly.

Afterwards, he gathered many people to storm their door, only to be brutally beaten once again.

And now, his son Cheng Bao had first been viciously assaulted by Wu Jianguo's son, Wu Jie, in Dongfeng Village, pinned down and ground into the dirt.

Later, they called in several experts and made a night raid, only to be miserably hammered again.

A recurring nightmare!

The Cheng Family, known as bullies and local tyrants.