Chapter 104 Shameless! Courting death!

Striking first for advantage!

The shamelessness is extreme!

Spouting outrageous nonsense, to shrug off all responsibility cleanly and thoroughly.

Making those unaware of the truth believe that Wu Jie was the one being bullied.

Damn it!

Cheng Bao and his group were infuriated to the extreme.

After listening to Wu Jie's account, the officer immediately checked the personal information terminal.

Birthplace, education, social security, criminal record... all were visible.

"Uh... not bad at all! You actually work for Tanglong Industrial Group, a big corporation indeed!"

Wu Jie chuckled, "Just scraping by, but I'm definitely a law-abiding good citizen!"


Cheng Bao was so angry he felt like he was going to spit blood.

You have the nerve to talk about abiding by the law?

Is my face swollen because it got caught in a door?