Chapter 108: Skilled and Courageous!

To the east of the county town.

Hong Cheng was at his own bar, where he had set up a table.

He had invited the Black Dog Quintet to discuss how to wipe out Wu Jie's family.

Dealing with minerals, handling demolitions, intimidating opponents...

They specialized in shady dealings that couldn't bear the light of day, solving many troubles for Hong Cheng.

Cheng Bao called, and Hong Cheng had listened for only half a second before he stood up furiously.

The audacity!

This damn Wu Jie was practically begging for death!

Hong Cheng immediately took his men and set out to kill them!

Meanwhile, inside the hospital room.

Cheng Bao put down his phone, staring blankly at Wu Jie.

"Jie, I've brought this upon myself by causing such a mess, and now I'm filled with regret!"

"We were classmates, after all. What was I thinking to compete with you for Zhu Cui?"

"Even leading people to break into your house at night... Now that I think about it, I was really too arrogant!"