Chapter 114: Domineering Dictatorship!

Trouble has come!

During the day, when Wu Jie was sound asleep, the old couple found themselves tossing and turning in another room, unable to do the same.

Tang Xiao was too outstanding.

She was not only the president of a listed company but also an extremely beautiful woman with a wealthy background…

And if you look at their own son?

Just an ordinary salaried employee, neither a super handsome man nor someone with an impressive background...

The elderly couple felt that although their son was not short, poor, or ugly, compared to the 'Fair-skinned, Rich and Beautiful' Tang Xiao, the gap was indeed too large.

This disparity directly led to a lack of confidence for the old couple.

What did Tang Long mean by asking Wu Jie for his plans? What plans?

Isn't getting married just about the six traditional marriage rites?

And among them, the most important is, of course, the bride price.