Chapter 120: Life is Like a Play, It All Depends on Acting!

Speak to shock, or rest in peace!

Tang Long's earnest words left Tang Xiao caught between laughter and tears and Wu Jie instantly confused.


What does that mean?

Eat and play beanbag toss?

Casting a glance at Tang Xiao and seeing her trying to hold back her laughter with a shy look, Wu Jie got it.

Tang Xiao was turning the tables on them!

Bashful and timid, not bad acting!

"Dad, rest assured, we're very disciplined and won't be out of control," Wu Jie assured.

During this conversation, Wu Jie casually wrapped his arm around Tang Xiao's slender waist.

Tang Long's smile stiffened slightly. He waved his hand dismissively and walked away.

Wu Jie hugged Tang Xiao's waist cheerfully, watching as Tang Long walked away, his heart secretly waiting.


There was unexpectedly no congratulatory message from the system.

What's the meaning of this?

It had complained several times before, so why this sudden silence?