Chapter 135: Anti-Cliché! What Kind of Cunning Move Is This?

Tang Xin's pretty face turned cold.

"You're the one who's crazy! I'm learning acupuncture because it's supposed to be comfortable and happy! How can you be happy if your body isn't healthy?"

Faced with Wu Jie's questioning, Tang Xin wasn't ashamed at all; she wore it as a badge of honor.

Wu Jie was sweating profusely.

"I'm saying, brain-damaged sis..."

"Who are you calling brain-damaged?" Tang Xin pouted and feigned anger.

She even put on an act, raising her fist as if to hit someone.

But with those showy gestures, could she beat Wu Jie?

"Oh no, little Xin! That's not right, Xin'er! I'll call you Xin'er from now on, never brain-damaged!"

Wu Jie immediately changed his tune, sighing to himself. Seeing Tang Xin's anger fade, he kindly persuaded her:

"Acupuncture isn't so easy to learn. What if you do it wrong? Forget feeling comfortable; it could be so painful it could kill you. You're young and beautiful; don't risk your body just for some personal desire!"