Chapter 139 Strange Feeling!

Hateful Wu Jie, what the hell is this Acupuncture Skill?

Is it to cure diseases or to con people?


It can't really be considered a con!

After all, it did eliminate the severe menstrual pain and brought physical and mental pleasure.

Once the aftermath had subsided, Tang Xiao opened her eyes.

The first thing she did was to prop herself up and hurriedly check.

Then, feigning calmness, Tang Xiao shot a cold glance at Wu Jie.

In her eyes, there was gratitude mixed with doubt, and even a hint of shame.

"Who did you learn this Acupuncture Skill from? Although it's miraculous, it feels too weird!"

Wu Jie hadn't noticed the final reaction on Tang Xiao's face.

But he knew the sensation that had captivated Tang Xin was bound to satisfy Tang Xiao as well.


Who was Tang Xiao?

The formidable War King of the past, now the powerful and domineering female CEO.

Her endurance and tenacity were of course not something Lin Yuan and Tang Xin could compare to.
