Chapter 149: Don't Chicken Out! Let's Do It Together!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The synchronized footsteps, like a stampede of thousands of horses.

Like the heavy pound of war drums, the rhythm striking the soul.

Fierce as dragons and tigers, the special forces soldiers ran in formation.

Elite warriors, all without exception.

Just as Tang Xin and the others were thoroughly enjoying their shooting practice, they all stopped in their tracks.

What's going on?

And Wu Jie...

What he saw was not shock, but surging killing intent.

Tang Xiao had belittled them too harshly, saying it would take ten of them to beat Wu Jie alone.

They were special forces!

The finest soldiers.

A man can be killed, but not insulted!

So, when they heard Luo Sheng saying he wanted to pick the ten best fighters for the challenge, they all volunteered eagerly and came over.

Regardless of whether they would be chosen or not, they wanted to see with their own eyes, who was so arrogant, so bold.

And because of this...