Chapter 152: Brother Will Teach You How to Behave!

Wu Jie was taken aback.

What the hell!

In such a serious situation, why the hell are they laughing?

I'm here legitimately angry and cursing someone out, you'd better not laugh, or it would've been for nothing.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Jie huffed indignantly:

"You realize you're a woman?"

"But aside from your physiological makeup as a woman, what about everything else? You act more rashly and more domineering than men!"

"Look at you at the shooting range, how you belittled those special forces soldiers. What kind of behavior is that for a woman? Even if you were strong before, you are injured now, so why the arrogance and tyranny?"

Tang Xiao clenched her teeth and retorted with some resentment:

"Where was I being arrogant or tyrannical? I... I just hate seeing potential go to waste!"

"I wanted them to feel ashamed and then become brave, that's why I spoke harshly."

"And I wanted to test your skills, that's why I let you spar with them!"