Chapter 159: Domineering Power! The Tycoon Family!

In the hallway.

Although Xu Feng's strange illness had spontaneously improved and he wasn't suffering from diarrhea anymore,

the Xu family members still had quite a few demands.

They not only wanted to stay in an intensive care unit with the most advanced medical equipment but also required the company of a myriad of specialists from gastroenterology, nephrology, and other departments.

As for whether it would delay the treatment of other patients? They couldn't care less.

The doctors were arranged to stand by in the surrounding monitoring rooms and offices, but it felt more like they were being held captive.

And the hallway had become a gathering place for the Xu family, exceedingly noisy.

Some were making calls, chatting, playing games... It was as bustling as a market.

No medical staff dared to intervene!

After all, Xu Kuishan was the one who dared to slap orthopedic specialist Huo Chengping, right in front of the hospital director and others...