Chapter 166: Buying Skill Equipment! Dude, I Can't Stay Calm!

"Stop right there!!"

Tang Xiao rushed to the corridor, shouting at the top of her voice.

Wu Jie stopped and turned around, his face resolute:

"You go back to sleep and double-lock the door. Whatever happens tonight has nothing to do with you!"

"Who says it has nothing to do with me? You're in trouble with the Meng Family because you stood up for my Tang Family!"

As Tang Xiao spoke, she kept backing away.

Standing at the door of Mr. and Mrs. Wu Jianguo's room, Tang Xiao threatened:

"Go on, then! If you dare leave, I'll knock on the door and tell them you've gone out in the middle of the night to meet your little mistress and don't want me anymore! Let's see how they deal with you!"

"Hey, I say, Tang Xiao, you... how can you be so shameless?"

"Are you still the domineering CEO, the powerful War King I know? How come you've suddenly become like a female thug?"

Wu Jie hurried back with quick steps and dragged Tang Xiao into the room.