Chapter 172: Fierce Battle! Critical Hit!

Tang Long let out a thunderous shout.

Yu Dong reacted swiftly, immediately darting out of the pavilion and leaping into the river to capture the wounded, fleeing gunman.

Wu Jie turned around to give chase toward the escaped drone, but was stopped by a roaring Tang Pingde.

"What chase? They've got guns; are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Tang Xiao cried out in alarm, "Oh no, Cui is still in the yard!"

Wu Jie couldn't care less, immediately sprinting out of the pavilion.

"Xiao, you stay here. Dongzi, once you've caught the man and tied him up, don't let him die!"

Tang Long grabbed the old man's walking stick and also immediately gave chase.

The yard was extensive, with a fruit orchard, vegetable garden, paddy field, and fish pond - it had everything.

Wu Jie took out two darts and held them in his hand, ready to throw at any moment.

The vegetable garden was planted with seasonal vegetables, all quite low to the ground.