Chapter 179 Scumbag! Asking for a beating!

In the nightclub's dance floor.

Dazzling lights, booming music.

Under the DJ's calls, ecstatic cheers and shouts erupted one after another.

Fashionably and scantily clad handsome men and beautiful women twisted their bodies to the music, letting go and freeing themselves.


Zhu Cui was an exception.

She had grown up in the countryside, where if she wasn't doing farm work or household chores, she was taking care of chickens, ducks, pigs, and cows.

She never dreamed that one day she would be brought to a nightclub.

Tang Xin and her companions were all incredibly enthusiastic.

After eating at the master's house, they went shopping together at the mall.

Wearing sunglasses, getting ear piercings, buying dresses, putting on beautiful makeup...

In just a few short hours, Zhu Cui underwent a complete transformation.

From a pure country girl, she turned into a fashionable beauty.

But fashion... was only on the surface.