Chapter 192 Tang Xin plays dirty!

Opportunity knocks but once!

Tang Xin felt that the chance to play matchmaker for Wu Jie and Tang Xiao had arrived.

Firstly, the two were already legally married.

Secondly, there was no one else staying at Tang Xiao's place, so she and Wu Jie were the typical "a lone man and a widow under one roof".

Finally, Tang Xin thought about the medicine she had bought for several thousand yuan and decided it couldn't go to waste!

"Xiao is domineering and forceful, but Jie is a martial arts expert! One is cold and proud, the other slick and smooth-talking! They're really a perfect match!"

Making up her mind, Tang Xin left the restroom and glanced over from a distance.

Seeing that everyone was deep in conversation, she went to the counter to pay and casually ordered five glasses of water.

Taking advantage of the moment when nobody around was paying attention, she quietly poured the two bottles of medicine into the glasses.

She tucked away the medicine bottles and calmed her nerves.