Chapter 207: Old Thief! You've Got Some Nerve!

The human heart is never content, like a snake trying to swallow an elephant!

How is this a small person? It's more like a starving wolf!

Wang Taixiong's gaze grew increasingly sharp.

Meanwhile, Wu Jie continued to seduce.

"You want absolute power, but you're also wary because the Tang Family's background is too terrifying, and you can't afford to provoke them!"

"So, before the divestiture, you're afraid of being investigated. Even if you manage things without a leak, you still feel like a thief with a guilty conscience."

"As a result, even a nobody like Dou Cheng dares to flaunt his power like a bloodsucker, leeching off you."

"And you can only entertain him as if you were serving an ancestor, providing him with the best food, drink, and amusement, without daring to be the slightest bit negligent!"

"Instead of being cautious and restrained, why don't you let me help you?"

Wang Taixiong raised an eyebrow, "How can you help?"