Chapter 224: Tricking people is like a play! All depends on acting!

You don't know until you look, and it's a shock when you do.

Wang Taixiong could hardly believe his eyes.

"Wait a minute, President Tang!"

"The total acquisition price of 6.7 billion yuan is correct, but what is this about a consultancy service fee of 400 million yuan?"

Wang Taixiong asked in astonishment.

Tang Xiao chuckled, "You just pay for the shares; how I distribute the money shouldn't concern you, right?"

At this remark, other members of the negotiation team beside Wang Taixiong began whispering to each other, discussing in low voices.

Wang Taixiong looked towards Wu Jie, seeking an explanation with a pleading look.

But Wu Jie just shrugged his shoulders and didn't answer.

This had been arranged with Tang Xiao the night before, the four hundred million was a commission reward for himself.

No choice!

Who else is as outstanding as me, negotiating such a high price for a subsidiary that's nothing but trouble?