Chapter 227: A Trap? Internal Affair!

A golden opportunity!

Wu Jie's lips curled into a smile as he pulled over a chair and sat down.

Wang Taixiong immediately threw over two packs of cigarettes.

They were the 'He Tianxia Zunshang' brand, each pack costing over ten thousand, not much cheaper than 'Liqun Fuchun Mountains Residence'.

"Wow, smoking the good stuff?"

Wu Jie pocketed one pack and opened the other, skillfully lighting a cigarette.

Xu Feng, sitting nearby, chuckled lightly, "Mr. Wu, what's so good about these cigarettes anyway?"

"Exactly, smoke too much and you might end up infertile!"

Mu En, sitting diagonally across, scoffed with a disdainful look in his eyes.

"Is that so?"

Wu Jie blew a smoke ring and squinted with a smile:

"Judging from how knowledgeable you two seem on the topic, have you both been personally affected, unable to conceive, so you've quit?"

Mu En's brows instantly furrowed, and he said indignantly, "I was just kindly advising you to quit smoking. Who are you cursing?"