Chapter 244: Fake Sweetness! A Real Trap?

The voice was loud and clear, like thunder to the ear.

On the bus, everyone was startled and turned to look.

And Wu Jie abruptly woke up as well.

He turned his head to see, and Tang Xiao's eyes were practically shooting fire.

He quickly withdrew his hand like a flash of lightning and hastily said,

"I was asleep, it really wasn't on purpose!"

Tang Xiao replied coldly, "Your hand can move around even when you're asleep? Who are you kidding?"

"I really did it unconsciously, I was just dreaming."

Wu Jie curled his lips and scoffed, "Weren't you a former War King? How do you sleep without any alertness? You even rested on my shoulder."

Tang Xiao rolled her eyes.

"It's not like I'm on the battlefield, how can I be alert all the time? I... I was just exhausted from taking photos, and I got muddled in my sleep."

"Me too!"

Wu Jie turned his head to look at Tang Xiao's expressionless face, "Are you angry?"

"Angry about what? Worse things have happened, what's this in comparison?"