Chapter 249: Old Thief! You Dare to Commit Suicide?

Hospital ward building.

As soon as Wu Jie entered the lobby, he saw two distinct groups of people.

One group, led by Xu Xinyi, was larger and was discussing something animatedly.

The other group, only about a dozen people, surrounded the beautiful wife of Xu Changshan and were also engaged in heated discussion.

Upon seeing Wu Jie, Xu Xinyi immediately ran over.

"Where's Tang Xiao? Why hasn't she come? Is she even refusing to see my dad for the last time?"

The moment she spoke, Xu Xinyi's tone was full of interrogation.

Wu Jie was taken aback and chuckled, "Why should she come? Is your dad really that bad off?"

Xu Xinyi's expression immediately fell, and she said somberly:

"Since yesterday, the hospital hasn't given him any medication, I went to apologize to those doctors, but they said there's really nothing they can do!"

"At noon, two uncles even paid for doctors from other hospitals to come, but they too just shook their heads and sighed."